I'm no expert in life, this is just my opinion. What I do know a lot about is designing your best life. I love to think about life in a way that you can change it when it isn't working for you. No one is saying it's easy, but it isn't impossible either. You can do it too.
Not just in the fashion department, but in learning to do things in a better way.
I started my journey of discovery 8 years ago and I am sure it will never end.
I am the type of person who tries to make a lemon pie out of lemons,
in life. It isn't easy, but it can be done.
(If you want to live a healthy long life)
* Stop eating any type of processed (I like to call it plastic) food.
* Learn to cook healthy food, every day.
* Stop eating sugar today.
* Stop drinking alcohol today
(use it in your food/cooking instead).
* Quit smoking today.
* Get rid of all the toxic people in your life.
* Declutter all the excess stuff in your house.
* Foster or adopt as many animals as you can.
* Only read educational things to learn from.
* Get off social media.
* Go for walks in nature.
* Try new things as often as you can.
* Be kind to yourself every day.
* Buy adventures, not stuff.
* Listen to interesting podcasts.
* Get good sleep daily.
* See the beauty around you.
* Cut down on meat if you can't cut it out completely.
* Stop ghosting people, it's completely disrespectful.
* Heal all of your childhood trauma.
* Do things you love.
* Find a job you love. Or start your own business if you can.
* Do exercise 4-5 times a week.
* Smell the roses (literally).
* Be kind to others, it's free.
* Healthy body, healthy mind.
* Be honest, even if people hate it.
* Stop watching the news and trash shows.
* Stand up for yourself, even when the whole world is against you.
* Have self-love & self-care.
* Say what you mean, mean what you say.
* Learn to express yourself in words.
* Feel your feelings.
* Have adventure in your life.
* Quit gambling today. Start saving. Stop buying crap.
* Do things in your life that you love, no matter what anyone says.
* Never hang out with people who make you feel bad about yourself.
* No one has to be exactly like you to be your friend or look like you.
* Stop being shallow.
* Be grateful for the things you already have.
* Live in the now.
* Give compliments to other people, it's free.
* Compliment yourself also, that's free also.
* Stop being combative all the time. Chill out. Life is good.
* Never buy anything on credit. If you can't afford it, you don't need it.
* Find people who love you as you are.
* Listen to yourself rather than what "society" tells you.
* If you are different, use it to your advantage.
* Treat animals and nature with utter respect.
* And last but not least, make the most of every day of your life.
Are there any others you'd like to add? make a list of your own in your diary/journal.
Most humans have a very short-term memory (not all, I know that), so we need constant reminders of the small things in life. The first step to enjoying every single day of your life is to be GRATEFUL for those things you have daily. For example, even if you're renting, be grateful to be able to pay for shelter over your head and maybe one day you will be able to afford your own little bit of paradise. Be grateful for all the survival things we all need like air, water, food, clothing, our beds and more. But never forget the bigger things like your car, your family, friends, luxuries you can afford, any pets you may have that bring you joy, any holidays you take, and much more.
Once you've mastered being grateful year after year, you will see life will give you so much more, since you already are so grateful for what you have.
That's the law of attraction, and the way the universe works.
Being positive isn't about faking it till you make it, nor is it about being toxically positive to the world. It's much deeper than that. It's about being genuinely thankful for having everything you need to survive and thrive in your life.
People may treat you in a way you don't want to be treated, but you do not have to put up with it. Loving yourself means you have the courage to speak up when necessary.
This can be so daunting if your whole life you were told not to. But you have as much right to your kind words as much as others do with their abusive words.
Never ever be shamed for standing up for yourself, I know I don't feel shame.
If you really don't want to give any of your energy or time to someone who treats you less than, ignore them, they aren't worth it.
Thanks for your support for another blog post on life.
The Style Secrets.