The best place to start is the beginning. I found I did everything the wrong way around. But if I could do it all again, this is where I'd start. With everything in life, if you get the foundations right, you will get a fantastic outcome. The same goes for your wardrobe. Once you get the basics down pat, nothing will stop you. And once you've found your own unique style, it will all flow and work for you without a second thought.
The first thing you'll need is a flexible tape measure, like the one in the image. You can purchase them at your nearest material store or online for a few dollars.
You will need this for a couple of reasons, and it is best if it is compact so it fits in your bag. I carry one everywhere I go. You never know when or where you will need it.
Without knowing what body type you are, you will never fit into your clothing as well as you'd like to. There are five main types of body shapes, and most people fit into one of these. The way to find out which one you fit into is to get three main measurements from your own body. These are : your chest, your waist, and your hips. Take the tape and wrap it around you until you see the number that comes in contact with the tape. Do this for all three measurements, if you need help, ask a friend to hold it straight.
You will need to write them down and keep them where you remember.
These are the standard measurements that will help you find your correct size and will also show you what body type you are. If you are larger on top, you are an inverted triangle. If you are larger on the bottom, you are a pear. If you are equal on top and bottom, you are an hour glass. If you are larger around your waist, you are an apple. And if you are equal in all three measurements, you are a rectangle. As pictured below.
Each country has a different size system, and I wish they were all the same, it would have made life much easier. The table below will help in the conversions.
Once you have found your correct sizing and what body type you are, now begins the fun part. You need to do some research before you go out and buy anything. Find images on Google, Pinterest or on any other site you love to find fashion inspiration and type in "clothes for ....... body type" or even look up people who have the same body type as you. Do as much research as you can before you start shopping.
We all know by now the Konmari or Marie Kondo way of decluttering our lives. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you might need to go and watch a YouTube clip on her to familiarise yourself with her. Purging is a great way to clear out clothes you have had in your closet for 10 to 15 years, like I did. I felt guilty if I got rid of anything, but it is best to just clean the really old things out. No point in keeping the old and getting bored of seeing the same old things day in, day out. If something has holes, rips or paint on them from your house renovations you did 5 years ago, then it's time to use them as rags or even bin them. If you have clothes with tags that you have never worn, either give them as gifts to your friends and family, or donate them. If you have favourite pieces that you still wear, keep them. Make four piles and stick to them. One to keep, one to donate, one to sell and one to bin. Without going through your things, you won't know what you already own, and what you will need to purchase or replace.
This is a link to Marie Kondo, it is her YouTube channel :
Find the clips that help you the most. It could help in every aspect of your life.
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