To me, if I see all the things I want to wear and they are in a set that works well together, then it makes sense and I feel more comfortable with it. This is a thing that happens to me in so many areas in my life. Coming up with an idea, or developing it is the fun part. The actual physical side to putting things together is a bit more stressful as you never know if it will work. And then the end part of trying things on and seeing it work or not, is the conclusion that will make or break the whole original idea. An idea can come from a few different places, it can either start from something I want to wear that day, like a pair of pink jeans or a white t-shirt or a coloured scarf. It could also come from an outfit I have seen someone else wear. But today, I want to talk about how to make your own outfit from something you already own and to use clothes you already have.
Pick one item you own and start coming up with your own ideas. Let's say you want to wear a specific pair of shoes (let's say a pair of sneakers). If nothing comes to mind, then google "Images of sneaker outfits" Linked below:
I'm going to take one of the photos that I can get inspiration from, from that link, that I have most of the pieces in the photo, as an example.
So I would take out my sneakers to start with, my white jeans or thick stretchy white pants, any long sleeve white top, my beige crop jacket and I don't have the same bag but I do have a white backpack so I would pair that with this outfit instead.
I would lay all the pieces on the floor first to see if they work together, then I'd take a photo of it and then I'd try the outfit on to see if it works on my body type, my colours and my style.
I may even take a photo of it on me for reference. In front of a full body length mirror. I collect these photos for later.
I can go back to them another day to get inspired again with the same outfit or with something similar.
As time goes by I might think of something to add to it.
Let's say you have a Navy Blazer you want to wear but have no idea what to wear it with or you are so bored with the way you keep wearing it. Type in your Pinterest account: "Navy Blazer Outfits Women" , Linked below:
I'll take one photo from that link to show you an outfit I would wear as I have all the pieces so I don't have to go out and buy anything new.
So the navy blazer can be worn more casually with jeans and a white t-shirt, black shoes and large costume earring (a must) with hair in ponytail.
I would also get a few more photos of the blazer to have a few choices.
And I always love to have at least three outfit ideas in my back pocket to have on hand for the blazer as to always know I can dress it in more than one way.
Say I want to wear it with a skirt or dressy pants, I would then look for inspiration for those outfits just like I did with the casual look.
You can even go more specific by looking for a specific colour bottom to go with it.
I'm huge on headscarf as a fashion statement piece, not as something to hide a bad hair day. So this next one is something I would wear to a fun event. I googled:
"images of headscarf outfits" , Linked below:
I probably wouldn't wear so much black now but it is a fun outfit that shows how you can get the starting point of wanting to wear a headscarf and find things to wear it with.
This is one example of how to wear it, it really depends on the colour of your scarf and where you want to wear it.
You may want to wear it on your neck or somewhere else, just look for images that suit what you want to do with it.
It really is as simple as that.
Fashion is fun and finding your own unique style is even more fun.
TIP: Get a pen and paper and start writing down all the things you own that you have no idea what to do with them or how to wear them, before you get too frustrated and just end up throwing them away. Try finding at least 3 outfits for each item on that list and keep them in a folder as a reference.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I love drama in my clothes,
Not my life!"
By: Erin Busbee.
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Style secrets revealed.